Carers in the Vale
Support for carers in the Vale of Glamorgan

Meet other unpaid carers
We host social gatherings in the Vale of Glamorgan where carers from all backgrounds can get together in an informal setting, relax and share ideas, experiences and coping strategies. Gatherings are free and a great way to meet others in similar circumstances, exchange ideas and information-and have fun!
We host gatherings year round and promote them on social media as well as through our newsletters. be be sure to find out about the latest dates, add us as a friend on facebook or become a follower on instagram. Events are held weekly across Cardiff and the Vale and we are always looking for new ways in which to support families – please contact us with any suggestions.
Carers Week
During Carers Week each year the council works with its many partners to help co-ordinate a range of activities and events to promote Unpaid Carers Rights and opportunities for unpaid carers. Details can be found on the events or news section of this site.
Online resources
You will also find lots of useful information and links to many other website in our online information guide at and the Dewis.Wales website
Yet more information on unpaid carers' support services can be found on the Vale of Glamorgan website click here
The latest edition of the Vale Caring Times can also be found on the above site
For information on support that might be available to you and help in applying for a carers assessment you may find the TuVida vale Unpaid carers Hub useful